
  • Moh. Nasikh Sekolah Tinggi Ilmu Ekonomi Indonesia Malang



personal selling, costs of sustainable promotional media (CSPM), sales promotion, marketing mix


Every huge or small govermental or non-govermental companies, especially which their orientations are ‘profit oriented’ usually try to sell their products marketable, and their marketing can be marketed well, so the ways to market their products must be needed maximal efforts to apply effectively promotional principals included using efficiently and effectively ‘promotional media’ to get or to reach great selling volume and maximum profits. According to Wasis opinion (1997: 153) that applying of well promotion is conditioned by four kinds of promotional procedures, then the promotion must be able to pull market target to do purchasing. Because of that, department of marketing in one company should know psychological and behavioural things of that market target. The four kinds of procedures are abreviated ‘AIDA’ those are: Attention (to make attention to pre-consumers and pre-customers), Interest (to appear and establish interest), Desire (to grow up needs or desires), and Action (act to do purchasing). Those procedures can not be separated with permanently of applying promotion ways, those are: (1). The marketing department accomplishes ‘door to door’ selling, that is called ‘personal selling’, (2). It also uses mass-media to do its promotion, that is called ‘mass selling’, and (3). It also does selling promotion or generally called ‘sales promotion’. In order to the product which sold rightly marketable, so before that the company must do effectively marketing mix, consists of product, price, promotion, and place. Considering by using that 4-P and choosing or fitting with effectively promotional media or tools, in this case by using and considering 12 kinds of promotional tools or media by buyer’s market orientation, so the product which sold is hoped well marketable. Finally, 12 kinds of promotional media or tools can be called ‘sustainable promotional media’ (Philip Kotler, 2002: 684). To apply effectively promotional media or tools, so in the case of choosing and deciding them must care of cost allocation and effectively costs of sustainable promotional media according with companies needs to the sale volume can be inceased proportionally.




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How to Cite

Dr. H. Moh. Nasikh, SE., M.Si. (2024). COSTS OF SUSTAINABLE PROMOTIONAL MEDIA (CSPM): LANGKAH YANG EFEKTIF UNTUK MENDONGKRAK OMZET PENJUALAN PRODUK. Akademika : Jurnal Manajemen, Akuntansi, Dan Bisnis., 22(2), 84–93.